Cities across the country are adopting “middle housing” policies to address worsening housing affordability. College Station is currently discussing this housing strategy to address growing demand to live near the Texas A&M University campus. In this episode of the Think Brazos Podcast, we sat down with Lindsay Hackett to discuss what middle housing is and why it’s missing. Hackett is a certified urban planner and consultant. She earned both her bachelors and masters degrees in urban planning from Texas A&M University. Since graduating, she has enjoyed using her skills to improve housing options that enable people to thrive.
Hackett explains the range of housing types included in “missing middle housing”, how it can save residents money, and how it promotes good community.
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Mentioned in the episode
- Hackett Planning LLC website
- Article “Five Reasons Demand for Walkability is Growing Across America” by Opticos Design.
- Credit to Dan Parolek for coining the term “missing middle housing“
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